Telegram is an emerging messaging app in India. After a contradictory update by Whatsapp on the users' privacy, people are positively using Telegram as their new preferred messaging mobile application. Now a new thing came to notice about Telegram. Hackers are targeting the social messaging app using malware, "ToxicEye" a Remote Access Trojan. The trojan will assist the hackers to access users' computers and control them. The reports have been confirmed by Check Point Software Technologies researchers.
The RAT (Remote Access Trojan) can get into your computer system and easily lead to leak data. In addition, it can provide remote access to hackers and it may install ransomware into your device. Till now researchers have encountered 130 ToxicEye attacks in the last 3 months.
Generally, the malware is used to get the system credentials, browser data, history, cookies information and other sensitive data stored in the system. The hackers may take over your stored files (images, videos, data etc.), and attack your PC to kill the performance.
It all starts with a telegram account. The hackers created a general telegram account and Bot to interact with users. The Telegram account and dedicated bot assist them to message, create groups, and send requests to other telegram users. Then, the hackers merge the bot with the ToxicEye or any other RAT, and send the malware via email to the users in an attachment.
Next, once the users open the email that is linked with the telegram account and open the attachment, the malware gets into their system. Once the malware accesses your system, it will spread; no matter if you delete the email or even remove the telegram account from your device.
Don't join any doubtful groups on Telegram or respond to any unknown messages. Likewise, don't open any mysterious email or download any attachments. The hackers may try different ways to reach your system, but you need to be cautious with your activities. For any queries or help, contact your security department.
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