As per reports, it is confirmed that around 10,000 renowned Indians are under the watch of China. The data includes politicians, sportspersons, actors, businesspersons, judiciary and journalists. The Chinese government is monitoring these individuals and organizations closely in their database.
The massive data leak is conducted by a Shenzhen based Chinese company named Zhenhua Data (website: The company incorporated just 2-3 years back and monitors millions of individuals worldwide (including India). According to the sources, the company is found to be linked with the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party.
It is staggering to know the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind and the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi are under surveillance. Not only the ruling party but also Sonia Gandhi with family and other states' chief ministers such as Mamata Banerjee (Bengal), Amrinder Singh (Punjab), Ashok Gehlot (Rajasthan), Uddhav Thackeray (Maharashtra) and others are under infiltration of China.
Moreover, around 15 former Indian defence chiefs (Army, Navy and Airforce), tech startup business owner Nipun Mehra (BharatPe), and industrialists such as Gautam.Adani and Ratan Tata are also in the list.
On 1st September, an Indian newspaper sent a query about the matter to the registered email of "Zhenhua Data" which was ignored and no reply received. Further, the website is down from September 9 (not in operation). Besides, a source from the China embassy stated that the country has not asked or will never ask anyone to perform such unlawful activities and gather or send such information.
Every country has an intelligence team to gather these kinds of information and keep a watch on people, but using data science and advanced technology, China has taken this to another level!
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