As reported by Wall Street Journal, Google has collaborated with HCA, a hospital chain in the US to track patient data and build healthcare algorithms. The report says:
"HCA would consolidate and store with Google data from digital health records and internet-connected medical devices under the multi-year agreement,"
The collected data from the health centers and internet devices will be used to create programs that will assist in medical decisions. HCA has 181 hospitals and around 2000 healthcare sites.
Ascension, a healthcare company based in St. Louis, was already sharing the lab reports, diagnosis and other records to Google. The data also includes the name and date of birth of the patents. On association with Ascension, Google stated:
"All of Google's work with Ascension adheres to industry-wide regulations regarding patient data, and come with strict guidance on data privacy, security and usage,"
Earlier in 2019 and 2017, Google was highlighted in collecting healthcare data of millions of users, without the consent of users or doctors - to develop the AI programs and machine learning tools.
Not only Google, but Microsoft and Amazon are also working to develop some AI applications to support the healthcare industry.
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