Indian School of Ethical Hacking is the only OffSec Authorised Partner in Eastern India.
The OSCC (SEC-100) course, offered by Offensive Security and provided through ISOEH, is a foundational program designed to introduce learners to the world of cybersecurity. It is crafted meticulously to cater to beginners, ensuring that each concept is taught with clarity and depth, making it accessible regardless of the learner's previous experience. The course structure is built around the core principles of cybersecurity, starting with the basics of computer networks, cybersecurity frameworks and standards, understanding the fundamental concepts of how data moves through the internet, and the common protocols involved. The course emphasizes hands-on learning, with lab exercises designed to reinforce theoretical knowledge through real-world applications.
One of the standout features of the SEC-100 course is its focus on the attacker's mindset, which is crucial for effective defence strategies. Students learn about various attack vectors, the types of vulnerabilities that hackers exploit, and the methodology of crafting attacks. This module not only heightens understanding but also equips students with the ability to think like a hacker, which is invaluable in designing secure systems.
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in-depth training by the best cyber security experts
Industry-Designed Study Materials
Certificate of Completion after examination and alumni status
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Profiles that count for OSCC Certified Individuals include:
The average salary of an OSCP-certified IT employee in India is Rs 20 lakhs annually.
Yes, you can appear for a mock OSCC exam.