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30 Sep, 2020
Why Is Cyber Security So Important For Everyone?

Gone are the days when firewalls and some software were enough for the security of our confidential information. We usually leveraged our computer systems and mobile devices for our professional purposes or business errands.

Now, the quantity of information or personal data that can be misused by fringe elements is vast and huge. We store our confidential and sensitive information in various online portals, be it web servers, online shopping portals, and so on.

It's essential for us to know what is malware, what is ransomware, what is wannacry, what is phishing, or what is a password attack. Moreso, for us, the need to be updated and informed about various cyber security threats and vulnerabilities are pertinent.

What are the basis and regular practices to ward off any cyber-attacks?

Strong Passwords:

Before talking about other precautions, let's talk about the very basic and frequently perform actions, i.e., setting passwords or resetting passwords. Say "No" to by-default passwords. Use 8 to 12 characters properly. Don't use any easy to find information or details. For instance, your name or date of birth. If you do so, for the sake of keeping them "easy-to-remember", you are allowing hackers to hack your data easily.

Wi-Fi Security:

We often overlook our Wi-Fi security. It's very sensitive, and if not secured, can put you in deep trouble. Always remember to protect your Wi-Fi network. Use the WPA2 version for Wi-Fi security.

Antivirus Software:

Usually, many computer system providers render you the antivirus software. However, you must check your antivirus. Ensure to keep them running. If you don't have antivirus in your system, you should buy it immediately! There are a myriad of antivirus providers, McAfee, Norton or Symantec, you can purchase it from any of them. The antivirus is not so expensive in comparison to the threats. It's indeed going to be effective and a great purchase in the long run.


A firewall is an invisible fortress for the entire network connection, it regulates any inflow or outflow on the network. It safeguards your site from malicious sites and actions.

Device Handling:

Keep your mobile devices, be it a laptop, phone, or tab, at your sight. If you ever give them for repair, ensure to put locks, delete private pictures, or get the device repaired in your presence.

Though it may look simple, in terms of managing them, it's highly recommended.


Encryption is essential for your business data. It ensures if your data, by any chance, goes to fringe elements or wrong hands, they can't misuse it.

Turn off GPS and Bluetooth:

Don't let the GPS and Bluetooth remain on after using them. Hackers can track your movements and hack your data.

No matter how many applications you buy to protect your data; however, when it comes to intuition and presence of mind, you always have to remain active. Leave no stone unturned!

You can also take some cyber security courses to educate yourself better and boost your IT knowledge. ISOEH is one of those places where you can learn about cyber security (ccna training, ethical hacking, app development and more), and keep your data and details safe.


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