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24 Sep, 2020
Understanding Computer Networking

Computers are the life of today's kids. Not merely kids but also it is an essential requirement for office people, artists, hospitals, and other members of society. In established enterprises and institutes, all employees are connected with the help of computers using networks and servers.

So, what exactly is a computer network?

A computer network is a connection between two or more computer systems. The connection can be established via a wireless device or a cable. The working network is a combination of hardware and software which link a computer with tools.

Let's check some of the advantages of using a computer network at the workplace below:

  • Send and receive data and information from between the connected computer systems
  • Easy sharing of printers, emails, and scanners
  • Share data at fast speed
  • Cost-effective communication medium

Understanding intrinsic components of computer networking:

Routers Routers:

It is one of the essential components of networking as it helps to connect different devices with one internet connection. It allows you to save a lot of money. The router works as a gateway; sending the data to multiple systems.

Servers Servers:

Servers are the main storage system in an organization. For instance, it stores all the data, information, files and programs. The connected systems are allowed to access information and resources.

Access Points Access Points:

The advanced way of connecting devices with each other. Access points enable systems to link with wireless networks (without cable). It is very helpful for mobile and tablets.

Ethernet Ethernet:

Data cable or ethernet is commonly known as LAN cable (Local Area Network). The cable is used to join computer systems with the internet.

Hub Hub:

A hub is a useful tool that distributes the network resource among the connected devices. It works as an administrator. Hence, whenever a system requires or requests any data from any other computer, the hub transfers the information accordingly.

There are many other important components that are used in networking such as hostname, IP address, DNS servers, port, MAC address, and so on.

As we know, roses come with thorns. Similarly, computer networking systems have some limitations and drawbacks:

  • A little bit costly for small institutes or fewer computer systems.
  • Firewall and other security measures are a must to prevent data from phishers.
  • The network components malfunction or become useless after a certain period of time.
  • Require inspection and proper IT support.

Computer network knowledge in Ethical Hacking:

Every professional hacker must be aware of the roots of computer networking. Understanding the different networking models, protocols, and IP addresses are very essential for hacking individuals. Each and every device is linked with networks. Hence, it makes it easier for evil hackers to get into anyone's system via the network. Consequently, to be a profound ethical hacker, we must acquire all the knowledge and skills that a bad hacker has!

ISOEH (Indian School of Ethical Hacking) is a renowned ethical hacking Institute in Kolkata, West Bengal. Learn and get certified in diverse computer courses (cybersecurity, ccna training, machine learning using python, and others).

Join ISOEH and learn all the ethical hacking skills!


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