With world working from home, it's time to make it enjoyable and effective.
It's time to go back to school again.
Well, not literally.
But only in a certain way.
With the world economy on the verge of coming to a standstill courtesy Corona, we the helpless corporate executives have to nevertheless keep the show on.
And just how.
It's time to take office into your drawing room and do what you had almost forgotten about… the HOMEWORK.
Working from home is a different experience altogether.
It's fun at the same time frustrating.
With an employee going through a different state of mind while doing the work he is used to doing in the closely competitive corridors of the office in the close comforts of home , it's time we take a good look and revamp the idea of working remotely.
Not only does it reduce the mental burden of work but also make the effort more fruitful.
So here are a few boxes we all should tick before we start a home office.
A few simple yet mind boosting ways go long way in keeping the team spirit up even while the organization is going through a rough patch along with the world.
Happy hours at home and all the best for the Corona crusade.
ISOEH is the organization which teaches top techniques to fight virtual viruses.
Read on for more stories on cyber security and Corona virus.
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Read DetailsThe recent pandemic was unexpected and unknown to most part of the world. It has changed our life and we are slowly adapting to our new lifestyle. The risks associated with the new lifestyle, both personal & corporate, are unknown to most of us.
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