“Cyber Crime” the word itself becomes quite spine-chilling as commoners are unaware of taking correct steps after any incident. According to the survey of dependable sources an estimate of 71.1 million people fall victim to cyber security frauds each year. Each victim had to take up a heavy toll of losing almost a hefty amount of 3,31,460 rupees.
Generally, the process of cybercrime or fraud is described by the crimes that involve the computer and a network. The computer or the related device is sometimes used in the commission of the crime or as the target of the crime committed. Now let’s have a look at what types of crime can be stated as cybercrime.
In the above-mentioned scenario, the victims can lodge a cyber complaint in a few easy steps.
Since the upgradation of the technology the conventional methods have been overstepped every day to a new refurbishment. There are effortless ways to lodge cyber complaints online. The reporting of the complaint would be through the portal of National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal via https://cybercrime.gov.in/, which is a government portal for reporting nationwide cybercrime. This access is made feasible to the citizens for maintaining a strong database of the cybercrime occurrences in the country at the fingertips of India Cyber Crime Coordination Centre under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Two types of complaint can be registered in the portal of NCCR:
The procedures of filing complaint online:
Report Anonymously: A victim will have to report anonymously with the following steps:
Once the complaint is successfully registered it would be provided in a downloadable pdf document.
Report and Track: This complaint is lodged providing the legit information of the victim and this can be tracked with identification number given against the complaint.
The procedure of filing an online complaint is not any rocket science, just a few simple steps can let you earn your deserved justice in all the way. Above all these, in case if a victim does not have access to the internet connection, he/she can always file a FIR in the local police station as and when required.
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