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17 Jul, 2020
Several High Profile Twitter Accounts Hacked In Massive Security Breach

On 15th July 2020, a wide range of celebrity & brand accounts started tweeting out a message promoting a crypto giveaway in which funds sent to a specified bitcoin wallet would send back double the amount of the user and in social media platform this attack is one of the biggest cyber attacks in history.

The messages, which are similar and all include the same bitcoin wallet address.

The hackers gained access to wide range of verified profile:-

  1. Kanye West
  2. Joe Biden
  3. Bill Gates
  4. Apple
  5. Uber
  6. Jeff Bezos
  7. Elon Musk
  8. Barrack Obama
  9. Floyd Mayweather
  10. Warren Buffet

The incident is a major concern for Twitter's swcurity, and now Twitter is still working out exactly how the hackers manage to gain access, must of damage done, with their message reaching to over millions of users and this incident also open up a broader range of security concerns for both Twitter & social media.

Twitter is investigating on what happened exactly and had taken some significant steps like locking the accounts limited access to internal and have assured the users to continue giving updates as investigation ongoing meanwhile it has been reported that this high profile scam over $117872.22.

So, be careful on Twitter because the hackers with same bitcoin address sending fake bitcoin deals and instructing all the people to send cryptocurrency to same bitcoin address.

To get more breaking news click here: https://www.isoeh.com/breaking-news.html

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